"Mind candy for the listener": Almost There review

Syracuse New Times Almost There review header"Singer, songwriter, musician, and music journalist Rodgers is clever in his songwriting on Almost There. While on one side he is ultimately revealing, he also does well to dwell on the universal themes beneath the personal stories, finding the common ground between the artist and listener. Lyrics consistently turn phrases that catch a curious ear. . . ."Musicians on the album are perfect choices. Rodgers’ guitar work is endlessly engaging and Josh Dekaney lends his always-prime percussion. John Dancks holds steady on bass and Rani Arbo provides fiddle and backup vocals. But the truly understated star is Wendy Ramsay, who contributes flute, clarinet, accordion, and glockenspiel as well as tender backup vocals that provide the kind of harmonies that cause chills. The disc is a trip through styles and lyrical themes, but all provide mind candy for the listener to chew on."—Jessica Novak, Syracuse New Times


"Understated raw beauty": Minor 7th reviews Almost There


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